Keeping On Top Of Your Fitness🤔….

As the title states. Keeping on top of your fitness may seem like a tedious task.

But just think if you didn’t plan or schedule the time you had to wake up for an important lunch date, exam, hospital appointment, work or your favourite program etc.

You’d end up missing out on something that is beneficial to you individually. Either having to play catch up disrupting other things you have going on or missing out altogether if you haven’t got the time.

By keeping on top of it. Will provide so many benefits not only for your health, physically & mentally. But also the essential element of consistency. Because only with consistency will you reap the rewards, get the results & accomplish your goals💯👌🏾.

In fitness whether your goals are to tone or strengthen, weightloss, cardio, flexibility etc. The list goes on but you understand where I’m coming from.

You cannot achieve the results you desire if you are not consistent or plan. For example I wanted to achieve a strong head stand (I now can do one🙌🏾 so it’s onto the next step/goal). So it wasn’t a case of just let’s see what works risking myself injury. Especially as it involves the head & neck muscles.

I looked up what muscles best produce a solid head stand?. Which was the core muscles. So I planned my workout set to include extra core exercises. How long in time it would be so I could realistically fit it in among my other daily duties without stressing about getting it done. Which just takes away the enthusiasm to work on a goal with motivation. Basically a buzz kill🙄 💁🏾‍♀️.

Make it interesting with little messages at the end of the week to yourself. Like Well Done 🖋📒Your a diamond💎, Star⭐ or unicorn🦄 etc. (The last example was for the eccentrics out there😉) Whatever floats your boat & keeps you on track of your journey, progress & keeps you motivated. Also by having a visual plan any noticable changes whether this be aesthetically or physically for example. Can be identified in what period transformation took place because you kept on top of documenting times & notes to yourself of congratulations as stated as some of examples previously. So it’s not so formal or blah as writing completed week 1. Because the self congratulations expresses you did it.

It can serve as a confidence builder & sense of achievement seeing it on paper that you kept up consistency. Also any adaptations or adjustments you might have had to make. Because life can be unpredictable at the best of times. So by already having a plan in place any changes to your schedule can be adjusted without turning your whole world upside down.

Especially important for those like myself & others with Lupus SLE & other invisible illnesses. Where your health & mobility is unpredictable on a daily basis. Doesn’t have to hinder your fitness goals.

Because for every standing exercise there is a supine (laying flat) or sitting position one (alternatives). Which can keep you going forwards towards your goal.

Also having back up alternative exercises in place eliminates any excuses not to stay on track. If your unsure how to plan an effective & efficient goal oriented fitness schedule. Just reach out to a fitness professional either a personal trainer or gym trainer/instructor/coach. Even if it’s scheduling a one off training session in the park or indoors depending on your preference or availability. To get that initial kick start.

The ultimate prize of reaching that goal is success you created by your own efforts. Plus the improvement on your fitness & health. Increased tone & strength than before is only a positive step. Including confidence & motivation great for your wellbeing.

Simplified version (Goal Chart).


Specific: Time period I.e 4 weeks to achieve 1min. Full Plank.

Measurable: Timer: Stop watch. 30 seconds.

Achievable: 0-30 second time period holding plank. Any time in the day or night.

Realistic: The same as above.

Time: 4 Weeks.

So there you have the many reasons to keep on top of your fitness.

How do you keep on top of yours?

Commit To Get Fit & Motivated.

Lupus💜: Keepitmoving 👣😁.

#fitness #goals #consistency #planning #fitnessmotivation #fitnessprofessional #freelance #sportscoach #activelifestyle #generalfitnessandhealth #lupus #lupusfit #lupusadvocate #invisibleillnesses

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Published by gelliottservices

P.T, Yoga, Fitness Trainer, Teacher, Instructor & Sports Coach (IPHM).

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